The “Menu” function will help us manage the menu items such as add, edit, delete and categorize it. We can create categories and groups to manipulate the items in proper order. Furthermore, we can add any options to the menu item. The stock will be automatically cut by the system every order transaction if we have formula for cutting stock. and able to add option for your menu items such as sweet level, level cook.
First step create Categories , Groups, Menus
1. Click Function "Menu".
2.type "Category" name and click Save.
3. Click "Category" for create "Group"
4. In the frame 1 : add Category picture so click "Choose file".
In the frame 2 : add other languages of category name.
In the frame 3 : type Group name.
In the frame 4 : Choose Printer station for print bill menu in Group.
**Can choose Printer station after.
And then click Save.
5. Click Group for create menu
6. Click New Item
7. In the frame 1 : can choose picture for menu click choose file,
type menu name,
type price.
In the frame 2 : add other languages of menu.
and then click Save.
8. Click Save.
9. And than adding other menu finished adding menu in Group
** If you want edit name or price of menu click icon pencil backside menu. Or you want to delete menu click checkbox backside and then click Save
In the section is example adding menu