1. When download PHOENIX POS application, it must be Login by pressing the button Login. The login page (Login) will have a pop-up display, you must enter Password. If you don't want to register, you can click to cancel


2. When pressing the show button

  • table is active only
  • All tables (All)


3. When success logged in system will display in front of the Customer, which is the page for select a table or customer zone.

For example, choose Counter 1 table.

  • When choose a counter 1 table, a pop-up will appear. to choose number of customers, for example, choose 4 customers and press the order button.


4.When the command button has been pressed. system will display to the menu page. in order to choose menus for customers


5.If you want to change the language, there will be a button on the side of the login button, which can choose Thai, English, Chinese, Japanese, etc.


6. The menu is divided into 3 sections.

6.1) Categories Section

6.2) Sections of subgroups from categories

6.3) Part of the menu, the menu will be in subgroups again. some of this menu when pressing the menu button. there will be a popup to choose from in the options section.

For example a customer chooses a menu. press category coffee Choose a subgroup that hot coffee


 -  then choose hot espresso which can see details of the menu and expand the image by pressing and holding the menu and can also close the pop-up


- When in that menu there will be a pop-up option to choose and can also be noted. when done making choose, press the OK button if you don't want to make a choose, you can press cancel

7.When you press the search button a pop-up will appear. you can search. various menus that you want

8. When you have already ordered food, you have to press the send button (Send) will pop up

  • Close button
  • Clear menu button
  • Can increase or decrease the buttons plus +, minus - menu items that can be ordered.
  • Can include special instructions instructions)

When done, press the Confirm button (Confirm). The list will set the order

9. When clicking to the new customer page, you will see that the counter 1 table from

white turns yellow

  • White is an empty table with no customers sitting
  • Yellow means there are customers sitting
  • Blue is waiting to pay the bill

10.. Pressing the Print Queues button means a print job. send to queue for printing in the network, it may mean that there are many people ordering to print


11. When pressed to the customer page, then clicked to counter 1 table, table management page

  • According to the number of customers (Guest) can press increase / decrease
  • part of the menu can be increased/decreased, but if the employee does not have the right will not be able to press but if there is a right, it will pop up, press the password, such as the shrimp noodle menu. employees have the right to delete. If the menu is 0, it will pop up cancel (cancel) and press save will update the status

12. When pressed to customer page and then clicked to Counter 1 table. table management page, the Order button will enter the menu page to add menu items

13. When pressed to the Customer page and then clicked to Counter 1 table

Table management page Move button is to move the table or split the table, there are 2 cases.

  • Same table but separate bill
  • Split tables or move to another table.

Initially, press the Move button and select the table to be moved, such as Counter 1 to Table 1

  • if move all, press the All button
  • If one arrow means it will move one item at a time
  • If two arrows means it will move all of that menu
  • then press Save (Save) will update the status

14. When clicking to the customer page, you will see that the Counter table has moving to Table from white to yellow Press the Table button, press the Move button, and press the Table button. Move all items to Table and press Save. This will update the status. Will close all bills for Table 1

15. Press the Table 2 button, press the Move button, and select a table. Table 2 Separate bills from the same table and press Save (Save) will update the status


16. Press to Cashier or Customer and then choose the Pay button to select Table 2

  • Gray is a bill that has been closed or a bill that is canceled
  • Yellow is the bill that the customer has not paid
  • Blue is payment status


17. Press to Cashier or Customer and then select the Pay button to select Table 2

  • When pressing the void button, there will be a path to enter to confirm again. A pop-up will come up saying what is the reason for voiding, then select it

  • When pressing the Discount button, there are 2 ways to give a discount.

                - Enter the amount

                - percentage

                - Press Confirm

                - If you want to remove Discount, press and scroll to the left to remove it

  • pressing the check button, billing will be made. status will be blue Press Confirm
  • pressing the Split Pay button, it will be divided into payments. The customer wants to pay by cash, credit, prompt pay, press Confirm

18. Press the member button

  • the very front is the member's name
  • In the middle will be a phone number
  • back will be the point of the member If you still don't see members, press the + button
  • pop-up will pop up for membership, fill in your name and phone number, you can add the day/month/year, email, address and press Confirm

19. When pressing the Print Queues button, you can see that the table. Table 2 Close bill Show receipt