1. Login
First step, you have to log in by
- Password
Press ‘Sign in‘ button.
2. Choose access iCAT page
3. iCAT Home
Page will display Category page,
Press the ‘admin’ button to display Profile and Logout
4. Category
4.1 Choose "Add Category" to add a Category
4.2 Fill in the information
4.2.1 Category Image : Select image file want to use
4.2.2 Language : Select Language
4.2.3 Category Name : Category Name
4.3 Choose + button to add Language
Fill in the information
4.3.1 Language : Select Language
4.3.2 Category Name : Category Name
If want delete Language, click on Trash Photo for deletion
afterwards Press SAVE
4.4 Then back to the Category page, you will see that it was add completes adding a Category
- Press Active launch button will turn red If inactive, press the Inactive button back, it will be gray
- Data can be corrected Press Edit button
- Can delete Category press button trash image
5. Subcategory
5.1 Choose "Subcategory" to open the Subcategory page
5.2 Choose "Add Subcategory" for add Subcategory
5.3 Fill in the information
5.3.1 Language : Select Language
5.3.2 SubCategory Name : Subcategory name
5.3.3 Category : Select the category to add the subcategory
5.4 Choose + button to add Language
Fill in the information
5.4.1 Language : Select Language
5.4.2 Subcategory Name : Category Name
delete Language, click on Trash Photo for deletion
Then Press SAVE
5.5 Then go back to the Subcategory page will see that it has been add completes adding a subcategory
5.5.1 Box 1 is Category
5.5.2 Box 2 is subcategory
- Pressing the Active launch button will turn red. If inactive, press the Inactive button back, it will be gray
- Data can be corrected. Press the Edit button
- Can delete SubCategory button Trash Image
Press Save Order to save the item
6. Menu
6.1 Choose "Menu" to open the Menu page
6.2 Choose "Add Menu" for add Menu
6.3 Fill in the information
6.3.1 Menu Image : Choose desired photo
6.3.2 Category : Choose category add Menu
6.3.3 SubCategory : Choose subcategory add Menu
6.3.4 Menu Name : Menu Name
6.3.5 Language : Choose Language
6.3.6 Description : Menu description
6.4 Choose + button to add icon fill in the information
- select Icon : Select Language
- delete Icon : Click on the trash can image to delete it
6.5 Choose + button to add Price and type fill in the information
- Price : price
- Type price : Types prices
delete Price and type, click on the trash can image to delete it
6.6 Choose + button to add Language fill in the information
- Language : Select Language
- Menu Name : Menu Name
- Description : Menu description
delete Language click on Trash Photo for deletion
Then Press SAVE
6.7 Then back to the Menu page will see that it is add this completes add Menu
6.7.1 Box 1, Choose Category
6.7.2 Box 2, Choose Subcategory
6.7.3 Box 3, Menu
- Press Active launch button will turn red. If inactive, press Inactive button back, it will be gray data can be corrected. Press Edit button
- Can delete SubCategory button Trash Image
- Press Save Order to save the item
7. Logo setting
7.1 Choose "Logo setting" to open the Logo setting page
7.2 Choose "Logo Image" add logo Then Press Save
8.Language setting
iCAT System display can press Change Language button